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The first SUDO working group under the Italian presidency took place online on 11th April under the coordination and initiative of the Department for Cohesion Policies and the South.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the G7 countries, the European Commission, UN-Habitat, the OECD, ICLEI and ANCI.

The main objective was to continue the work started in the G7 Urban already carried out in 2022 and 2023 under the German and Japanese Presidencies, with a view to operational development of the principles declared in the respective previous communiqués. With respect to the identified transitions - ecological, digital and social - a scheme (Common Framework) has been proposed in which the main challenges that the cities of the G7 countries are facing have been represented and in response to which each country has allocated resources, developed strategies, prepared tools, projects and initiatives.

In the presentation of the priorities, Italy underlined the need for an integrated approach for urban policies to satisfy the territorial and social needs of urban areas as well as the use of implementation tools that involve various institutional levels - State, Regions and Cities - in a synergistic and collaborative dimension.

Italy has also underlined the importance of the cultural and identity heritage of cities as catalysts for achieving social, economic and environmental objectives. The reuse of heritage and underutilized urban spaces, a practice widely promoted through Cohesion Policy in Italy, has emerged as an effective strategy for addressing the economic, ecological and social challenges of cities – Italian and European.

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